At this first session we discuss the basic introduction to the concepts of object-based pemerograman (OOP-Object orientid programing)
before we begin let us know first purpose of this discussion of the basic concepts of OOP:
namely, that we can see a clearer picture and gain an understanding of OOP concepts in practice.
okay we will go directly to the konsep2.
abstraction is a means by which we see an object in a simpler form, for example, "you do not see the car is a collection of thousands of electronic and mechanical components with 4 pieces of tires and there is a steering wheel, seatsand tires, and others are made in such a way that is called the Car". although in reality the car consists of a set of objects, but you see the car as an entity that has properties and characteristics of its own.
so can we conclude from the above that we can drive a car without having to think about how complex components in developing a car itu.tanpa know how to work themachines, ranging from the mixing of fuel and oxygen into energy or transmissionsystem in automobiles work .
with abstraction, we also can see a complex system as a collection of simplersubsystem.
like a car is a system that has various subsystems, such as ignition subsystem,steering subsystem, subsystems and other braking.
from this we can see that these subsystems have properties and characteristics ofdifferent but mutually interact and work together into a single unit known as an entitythat is a car.
see picture:

understanding of the objects around us it is what underlies the understanding ofOOP.dan the most important thing is how mentraformasikan what's in the know aboutan object into a rogram.
perhaps until the beginning of our discussion here first, and I will continue on to thesecond session will be, until we get into coding it (code it), thank you.
* Thank you: The Guide Book Blogger is based pemerograman object with the Javalanguage (indrajani and Martin, Publisher: Elexmedia).
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